How to Set Up LED Screen for a Corporate Event

Set up LED Screen Guide for Corporate Events

Here are three ways to set up a for a corporate event:

1. Ground Support

This is the most common way to set up. Therefore The screen is mounted on a frame that is placed on the ground. This is a good option for events where the audience is seated.

2. Trussing

Trussing is a system of metal beams that can be used to suspend the screen from the ceiling. This is a good option for events where the audience is standing or where you need to save space on the ground.

3. Wall Mounting

If you have a permanent venue, you can mount onto the wall. Basically this is a good option for events where the screen will be used on a regular basis.

No matter which way you choose to set up an Led Screen, it is important to make sure that it is done safely and correctly. By following these tips, you can ensure success at your next corporate event.

Finally setting up an Outdoor screen can be tricky outside, with wind factor to consider and require ground support for safety.

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